
The Visit

  The Visit The blue - green hues play gently  against the absence of fair springtime skies, While the cardinal arrives and sings its melodic songs as he softly sits  on the brawny limb of the pink blossoming crab apple tree. Your welcome presence, however fleeting, breathes only  a harmonious tranquility completing my souls longing. A celebration of reflective thoughts fills every space as our acquainting spirits intertwine. The brilliance of your luminous light conquers my very being  as my heart feels the ubiquity of your ephemeral visit. I have seen you in my dreams and listened intently as the sweet serenity  of your voice appears with calming words. And, then, with a wink and a smile,  your wings peacefully carry you away to the white cotton sky  and leaves me in blessed contentment.  Until we meet again. CNK 

One Thought Away

  One Thought Away One thought away from loving you It's always fresh, it's always new I want to share, you have no clue That I'm One thought away from loving you She lingers in the other room And listens to her favourite tune Please sit a while we'll be there soon We'll fall in love, under nights new moon We'll walk along, our hands clasped tight Down loves slow lane, throughout the night Our breathing deep, no end in sight With stars upon us, shining bright My gaze is deep, her sky blue eyes She looks I wait my thoughts surprise As we draw closer, our heartbeats rise We'll stay forever, or until sunrise She delights and dances as I walk by Her soft skin glowing, in the morning sky We'll love in laughter and sometimes cry In a field of flowers we shall lie And throughout the forests and in the town We'll call on spirits, won't make a sound She'll bring her heart, from what she's found And spread it like honey all around


  Friends She roams this front so gently Grace upon her face And sings of loving life Throughout all of time and space She speaks from words of wisdom Eyes sparkling with every sound And tells stories of her days gone by Wishes for the future and the present found She listens so intently Slight smiles as we talk And matches with my rhythm Together as we walk She catches all the nuances That mingle in the air And identifies with emotion That spills out everywhere She sheds tears of joys and sorrows Shares her feelings and her thoughts And keeps our every secret For now and what is sought She attends to every battle Celebrations and in the ends She always shares a giant hug Because we are the best of friends.

For Makenna

 For Makenna She speaks with imagination With what's real and what is not Her voice with planned intention Craving answers to her thoughts She sings familiar songs She listens every day For new tunes and the melodies And lives them some may say She dances in the evenings She lingers as they loom And imaginative cheering crowds Charmed from her living room She questions information  From radio and TV She shares from each connection And keeps what she can see She loves with abundant passion From deep within her soul And sometimes steers a sadness That soundly takes a toll But she says: Live, love laugh; Don't be a liar Just be yourself, a bird on a wire No need to conform, stay and admire For normal is just a setting on a dryer.


  Overcome   I take a sip, it’s smooth, it’s warm Then the window steals my thoughts Completely lost in the wretched storm The songbirds have been caught   Though not surprised, my cup in hand Shaking like torrential breeze Like strokes of lightening upon the land Illuminating ease   I spill a little, stain my sleeve of white Burning thoughts into my skin The sun no longer, clouds dark as night The rain begins to win   I close my eyes, to ten, inhale Then presence takes its place The air smells sweet, no longer stale Calm thoughts in my headspace   The heavy rain like music sings I sit back now mollified The storms exist as little things Answers come from deep inside   And so, I drink my cup of tea Songbirds are now released Each moment like leaves upon a tree Blusterous, and then find peace

Sublime With Intention

  Follow the words of that song that you love, That song you play often, that lulls like a dove. Sing me that tune that fits like a glove, Keep playing it loud, yes that one you think of. Colour your mind with light that you choose, Then bring it forward and listen for cues. Let all that surrounds you bring love that spells clues, Hold on to it tightly, you've nothing to lose. Touch lightly the surface, find nowhere a crack, Feel it smooth as a petal, then bring your hand back. Bring soft and warm breezes, no cold to attack, And balance it gently, collect a whole pack. Listen closely for whispers, the pitch low and then high, That ask all the questions, who, where, what, when, why. Sublime with intention, they laugh and then cry, With loves happy tears, you sing then you sigh. Grow gently forever, where there's a way there is will, For you to climb mountains, breathe air that will fill Your heart beats so strongly, and just rarely you chill, While cool breezes roam, upon your w

Waiting Out The Storm

  She sat alone on the wooden bench Her body tense, her fists were clenched The night air cool, with a breeze that blew And only she was the one that knew. The moon was full, but clouds did hide Her long hair hung in eyes that cried Through tears she saw the shadows dark While no one else was in the park. She thought of shattered dreams that took From every page of her minds book And silent memories that stayed Locked up in dreams, before had made. And though the darkness was all around With only breath that made a sound She felt a raindrop on her skin The storm was here, about to begin. With sudden bursts the clouds did fall But she simply pulled on her shall The thunder sounded and lightning lit And the darkness broke, just for a bit. She remained upon that bench until The cold rain stopped, the air was still Her clothes were soaked but the rain had cleared Her tears away, just disappeared. Her thoughts began, upon the moon To find a clearing, pretty soon She could see the stars and

Love Is Like Chocolate

  Love Is Like Chocolate Smooth, sweet, delicious memories Awaken the beautiful mystery of my mind And trapses through my musings Without even a notion of bitter taste. Sing with me the most succulent songs That linger with absolute tones Of magnificence and splendor Just as the rise of my hastening heartbeat Continues along the current of my veins And my satiated body tingles While the most agreeable tastes of delight And the awe of its mere existence Enriches like the savory first bite Surrounding itself with unnecessary resilience Without the populace quiet awareness. Yes, love is like chocolate the people exclaim As out of various hues of brown erupt Just enough light to capture what was hidden  Beneath the richness of sugary beauty Where solids mollify and are eagerly swallowed Delivering deep affection for all that is. CNK

Mind To Paper

  Mind To Paper Look through the hidden cracks and you will find The university of my mind, While trapsing through the dreamy dark Sweet silence left behind. You will look upon a little living light Through paved pathways of my minds new night And sparks will faintly flicker While wading past life's slight in sight. My thorough thoughts then quickly overcome And simply settle with a quiet hum. You will eventually enter and seed the drill Which my melting mind has created and become. And then like lucid lightning and thunderous skies The looming creative conception lies Beneath the splendid surface Begins its outward inventive cries. You will then see the eager exercise begin Where pen verses paper, and paper wins Scribbled words of mind eye laid out That sacredly speak of truths and sin. And wonderous words on lines in rows, Connect and yet earns ebbs and flows Wonderous when's, what's why's and where My mind like seeds in a garden grows. CNK


  Moments Within wild windswept wonderlands I take cautiously casual steps forward Catching each moments brilliant breath For every turn leads lazily down A roughly laid radiant road. Spectacular sumptuous scents Beckon my beautiful binding inhale Capturing exultant and powerful scenes That lazily linger in well composed fields As I quietly hum to the beautiful tune That calmly disguises itself as a breeze, And then I find my glances at gregarious greenery Remarkably breathing colour And my wide eyes take in the unimaginable. Steps slowly usher to a stop And to my minds eye I fall suspect Toward lovely lingering life bestowed Upon this magnificent magical moment That is everything within my mind. CNK