

Darkness didn't fall that night, it tripped over the glaring sudden chance of thought, that it sought. It fell hard over long fields, disorienting the grain, and withered in pain.  It became hurt by the sounds and so quietly, with soft spirit, silenced all flight, disappearing from sight. It grew limbs full of the loudest sharp, a stabbing squeal, and then, spread harsh, cold,  grey soil wherever it went, it did not relent. It rushed through the endless curves of the deepest root and searched endlessly for all that was death or with labored breath. It crept through every long narrow channel then etched out it's own, with ease, just as it pleased.  It outwitted the blue flowers and they closed quick with fear, they knew it was near. It caused brave living mountains to freeze, like sad lonely statues,  made of black diamond stone, and they were scared and so very alone. It succeeded in painting leaving empty grey pots, with splashes of spots.  It made life hide away and then turned boldly and smiled with delight.

Until finally, alerted, then braved and saved by the love from moonlight.


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