

Did she remember that first incredible moment, that she realized she was here.
Not there, but here like your thoughts.
Did she remember that first curious minute, that she saw her green naked self?
Natural like screaming white waters.
Did she remember her first awareness of position, and that chance played an unforgiving role?
With the souls, the spaces and lands.
Did she remember the first place of decisions, that power or lack thereof?
Crazy with survival and status.
Did she remember she lived not as one, but as a community with tiny weaved vessels?
Bloods rooting deeper through rocks.
Did she remember the first reason that sent her, existing for all of experience?
Absorbing the lights and the dark.
Did she remember that earths souls collected, will blend energy together as one?
Sparkling, vibrating, flowing.
Did she remember that life is just that. Just that. Just life.
Choice giving energy to moments.
Did she remember that life's gifts are hidden, there's no race and no climb.
Collections of presence forever.
Did she?
She did.
She remembered in small spontaneous moments, and
She remembered the whole at the end.


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